This Statement explains the Internet Privacy Policy and Security Statement Policy. The college reserves the right to amend this policy at any time without notice. 在您点击我们网页上的链接后出现的页面可能由不同的机构或实体控制, whose practices are not under the college’s control and this Policy Statement does not pertain to those websites not under the college’s control.

Virginia Law

我们根据适用的弗吉尼亚法规所规定的义务保护我们的记录, including, but not limited to, the “Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act” Code of Virginia §2.2-3800 et seq., the “Virginia Freedom of Information Act” § 2.2-3700, et seq., and by any applicable U.S. federal laws.

Security Statement

靠谱的买球网站确保我们的系统的完整性,我们存储的数据是受保护的. 学院已经超越了行业标准,使用防火墙来保护我们的系统, IDS/ISP devices, NAC protection, requiring authentication (systems, networks and data), requiring encryption of all sensitive data and applying all physical security possible. We perform monitoring of all systems and networks; network modeling and shaping, employ the latest Anti-virus / Anti-Spam protection, and performing audits of all systems and networks. We instill the concept of security and data protection in everything we do including our day to day business practices; new systems, network and building designs; and as a overall part of the colleges desire to keep our environment and data safe and private.

Web Privacy Statement

It is the policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia that agencies of the Commonwealth will collect and retain personal information about citizens only to the extent necessary to provide the service or benefit desired; collect only appropriate information; provide the reason the information is collected so that citizens shall understand that reason clearly and enable citizens to examine their personal record which is maintained by a public body.
The Mountain Empire Community College Web site:
1.    可能会收集以下一条或多条个人信息:您的电子邮件地址, name, social security number, date of birth, phone number, or course assignments.  Any of this information is collected to meet your specific online requests. If you choose not to provide this personal information, you will be unable to receive some of the services this Web site offers.
2.    Collects your IP address, pages browsed, and date and time of your visit.  This information is used for internal College statistical purposes only.
3.    Uses only temporary cookies (i.e., 文件(可能包含各种信息)在某些网页上用于屏幕颜色和图形或跟踪网站上的活动,但不会将它们永久存储在您的硬盘驱动器上.  When you exit the Web site, the file is automatically removed.
4.    可以链接到其他网站,这些网站可能会或可能不会通过使用cookie收集与学院无关的数据. You should check for a policy on the linked to Web page.
5.    根据弗吉尼亚联邦法律保护收集到的任何信息,不向其他个人或组织提供收集到的任何信息, except in compliance with those laws.

Information We Collect, Including Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

学院努力只收集提供服务所需的最少量的信息. 如果你在访问靠谱的买球网站网站期间什么都不做,只是浏览或下载信息, we automatically collect and store the following information about your visit:

  1. the Internet domain and IP address from which you accessed our site;
  2. the type of browser and operating system you used;
  3. the date and time you visited this site;
  4. the pages visited; and
  5. if you linked from another website, the address of that

If, during your visit, you send us an e-mail message, we will collect the e-mail address and contents of the message, including audio, video and graphic information formats you send us. This may be to respond to you, to address issues you identify, 进一步改善我们的网站或将您的信息转发推荐几个靠谱的买球网站其他机构以采取适当行动.

我们的网络日志中的信息不能识别个人身份,也不会试图将其与浏览我们网站的个人联系起来. We do collect, however, 自愿填写表格或参与调查的个人直接提供的个人信息, in order to deliver the services requested. We only collect, 在我们认为对管理我们的业务和提供产品至关重要的地方保留和使用个人信息, services and other opportunities requested by our customers.

Information We Collect Automatically

All of the information listed above at “Information We Collect, “包括个人身份信息(PII)”是由学院通过从第三方供应商购买的软件自动收集和存储的.


“cookie”是一种小文件,要么存储在服务器上,要么发送回访问计算机. In certain applications user information is stored as “cookies,” which are then sent back to and stored on the user’s computer.

学院网站的某些部分使用cookie来定制呈现推荐几个靠谱的买球网站您的信息. cookie还用于汇总网站使用信息,以帮助我们改善用户体验.

How We Use The Information We Collect

使用信息用于改进我们Web服务的内容,并帮助我们了解人们如何使用我们的页面. 我们分析我们的网站日志,以提高我们网站上可用材料的价值. Routing information is used to send requested Web pages to your computer for viewing. 事务路由信息主要以统计摘要格式使用,以评估内容和服务器性能. 我们可能会与我们的合同供应商分享这些汇总信息,他们在需要时为我们提供分析. 我们分析我们的网站日志,以不断提高我们网站上可用材料的价值. 我们的网络日志中的信息不能个人查看,也不会试图将其与浏览我们网站的个人联系起来.

If, during your visit to the college’s website, you send us an e-mail message, we will collect the e-mail address and contents of the message, including audio, video and graphic information formats you send us. This may be to respond to you, to address issues you identify, 进一步改善我们的网站或将您的信息转发推荐几个靠谱的买球网站其他机构以采取适当行动.

我们会直接从自愿订阅我们服务的个人那里收集个人信息, complete forms or participate in surveys. 收集个人信息是必要的,以便学院提供所需的服务. We only collect, 在我们认为对管理我们的业务和提供产品至关重要的地方保留和使用个人信息, services and other opportunities requested by our customers.

We may keep your information indefinitely, 但我们通常会在网页传输后定期删除路由信息. However, on rare occasions when a “hacker” attempts to breach computer security, 保留路由信息的日志是为了进行安全调查,在这种情况下,可能会与我们拥有的任何其他相关信息一起转发推荐几个靠谱的买球网站执法机构. 我们主要以统计摘要类型的格式使用此事务路由信息来评估站点内容和服务器性能. We may share this summary information with our business partners when needed.


Under the “Virginia Freedom of Information Act” (FOIA), 在提出“信息自由要求”时,我们所拥有的任何记录可能会被公众查阅或向公众披露. However, 根据《推荐几个靠谱的买球网站》,可识别的个人信息将在发布之前被删除.

Customer comments or review

If you have questions about this privacy statement or the practices of this website, or if you choose to review or correct any information you previously submitted, please contact us at