A college degree is an investment to improve your life, not burden you with debt. MECC的学费比其他地方学院和大学少几千美元,而且我们不参加联邦学生贷款计划. MECC以奖学金和助学金的形式提供经济援助,不需要偿还. With 96% of students receiving financial assistance, a higher education doesn’t have to come at a high price. 全日制和非全日制学生在MECC的学习项目中注册,可以申请经济援助来学习学分课程.
Click each heading below for additional information.
获得联邦学生援助ID (FSA ID) . This is used as your electronic signature to sign your FAFSA. For more information on creating your FSA ID, please view the video at 创建自己的FSA ID.
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.studentaid.gov and use the MECC school code 009629 on the application. 一旦你提交了FAFSA,教育部通常需要几天的时间来处理并将其提供推荐几个靠谱的买球网站MECC. 您可以通过查看myMECC在线帐户的学生中心,在MECC查看您的经济援助文件的状态.
Click the link below for a quick video on how to access and navigate your student center.” xhdioa.sabzevarsms.com/fa-videos.
2023 - 2024年学生预算
出勤费用 (COA) is the amount it will cost a student to go to school. COA includes not only direct expenses like tuition and fees, 还有一些间接费用,比如书籍, 课程材料, 生活费用,如住房和食物, 运输费用, 根据课程要求获得第一个专业执照的费用和其他杂项费用. 财政援助办公室将使用全日制学生预算来计算预计注册两个学期的学生的估计需求. Additional budget allowances for handicap costs ($1,200) will be made for students who apply and do not have such costs covered by outside agencies. 护理及呼吸护理 students will be provided with an additional allowance ($3,000) 制服和旅行费用. Out-of-state students will receive an additional budget allowance for tuition of $5,602 ($8,004(11个月).
州内 | ||
预算#1 - 9个月 | 预算#2 - 11个月 | |
学费和杂费 (14 crs F/Sp; 12 crs Sum) | $4,540 | $6,430 |
Books & 供应 | $1,500 | $2,250 |
学生的住房/食品 | $4,500 | $5,500 |
个人杂项开支 | $1,350 | $1,650 |
运输 | $6,696 | $8,184 |
Total | $18,586 | $24,014 |
州外 | ||
预算#3 - 9个月 | 预算#4 - 11个月 | |
学费和杂费 (14 crs F/Sp; 12 crs Sum) | $10,142 | $14,433 |
Books & 供应 | $1,500 | $2,250 |
学生的住房/食品 | $4,500 | $5,500 |
个人杂项开支 | $1,350 | $1,650 |
运输 | $6,696 | $8,184 |
Total | $24,188 | $32,017 |
不到半场出勤预算 | ||
州内 | ||
9个月 | 11个月 | |
学费和杂费 | $1,621 | $2,432 |
Books & 供应 | $376 | $564 |
运输 | $1.674 | $2,046 |
Total | $3,671 | $5,042 |
州外 | ||
9个月 | 11个月 | |
学费和杂费 | $3,622 | $5,433 |
Books & 供应 | $376 | $564 |
运输 | $1,674 | $2,046 |
Total | $5,672 | $8,043 |
合同 | ||
9个月 | 11个月 | |
学费和杂费(目前与州内相同) | $2,456 | $3,684 |
Books & 供应 | $376 | $564 |
运输 | $1,674 | $2,046 |
Total | $4,506 | $6,294 |
Although you can file the online FAFSA anytime, 最好在你计划参加MECC的那一年的5月1日优先截止日期之前完成FAFSA. 这将确保你将得到所有你可能符合资格的可用援助的考虑. 2023-24年FAFSA将用于2023年夏季、2023年秋季、2024年春季和2024年夏季学期. 你应该试着填写FAFSA 至少 two weeks prior to the first day of class of the first semester you attend.
- 2024年1月5日-奖学金金额大于当前费用的学生可以在MECC的书店开始收费. You will need a copy of your class schedule and a picture ID.
- 2024年1月10日-上课第一天-交学费.
- 2024年1月29日– Last date to drop with a refund for full session classes. Your financial aid will be based on the number of credits enrolled in as of this date.***
- 2024年2月2日-本学期书店停止收费.
- 2024年2月20日– Financial aid will be disbursed to the business office and applied to your account charges. 如果你注册的是晚开始的课程,你的援助将不会在你最近开始的课程的退款日期之后支付. Future disbursements are processed the third week of each month.
- 三月的第一个星期– First group of refunds are processed for spring semester. There are multiple categories of financial aid that will be refunded, and it may take a few days for all refunds to be completed. 您可以通过点击myMECC在线帐户的SIS按钮来管理退款的接收方式. Future refunds are processed during the first week of each month.
- ***如果你正在考虑退出一个或多个班级,请联系财政援助办公室,讨论它可能对你的账户产生的影响,包括但不限于欠学校的债务.
- ***如果你正在考虑退出一个或多个班级,请联系财政援助办公室,讨论它可能对你的账户产生的影响,包括但不限于欠学校的债务.
第24届夏季奖学金的重要更新MECC将进入最后一个夏季奖学金学期. This means the summer 24 semester will be processed using the 2023-24 FAFSA application. 如果你在春季24班注册,你不需要在夏季24学期完成新的FAFSA.
- 2024年4月1日– Registration opens for summer 24 Please register for all classes prior to June 10. Any classes added after June 10 will not be covered by financial aid.
- 2024年5月28日-奖学金金额大于当前费用的学生可以在MECC的书店开始收费. You will need to purchase all 课程材料 from the bookstore prior to June 11. Financial aid cannot be used in the bookstore after June 11.
- 2024年5月30日-上课第一天-交学费.
- 2024年6月10日– Last date to drop with a refund for full summer session classes. Your financial aid will be based on the number of credits enrolled in as of this date.***
- 2024年6月11日-本学期书店停止收费.
- 2024年6月18日-Summer aid will be disbursed to the business office and applied to your account charges. 如果你注册的课程开始日期为7月2日或之后,这些课程从你的时间表中删除,你可能欠回你的援助的一部分. Please check with the financial aid office prior to deleting a class. Also don’t forget to attend late starting classes. 如果你被报告为从未参加过这些课程,这也会改变你的时间表,并可能减少你的经济援助奖励.
- 七月的第一个星期-夏季学期的退款将被处理. There are multiple categories of financial aid that will be refunded, and it may take a few days for all refunds to be completed. 您可以通过点击myMECC在线帐户的SIS按钮来管理退款的接收方式.
- 2024年7月2日-Second short session classes begin-TUITION DUE.
- 2024年7月4日-大学因独立日放假.
大石缝VA 24219
Email: fa@sabzevarsms.com
财政援助资格通常是根据大约两年前的收入信息来确定的.e., 2021年的税务信息(2023-2024学年)和截至联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)提交之日的流动资产. 然而, 如果经济状况适合你, 您的配偶(如果适用)或您的父母(如果在FAFSA上提供了父母信息)与FAFSA上报告的信息有重大变化, you may request a reconsideration of your aid.
在提交复议请求之前,我们鼓励您与财务援助工作人员讨论您的情况. 我们将指导你的书面陈述应该包括哪些信息,以及你应该在申请时提供什么类型的文件.
虽然大多数24岁以下的学生将被要求在联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)上提供父母的信息。, some students have unusual situations in which it is not possible to obtain parent information. In some cases, you may appeal for an override of your unusual circumstance.
Some examples of reasons you might submit an appeal for unusual circumstances are:
- 你与你的父母疏远或被置于非父母的监护下,因为虐待或忽视,
- Parent(s) is/are incarcerated or institutionalized,
- Parent(s) live(s) in a war-torn country, and you are unable to contact them in any way,
- 其他证明不能或不应该获得家长信息的可证明的情况.
All unusual circumstances appeal will require documentation from an objective third party.
- Student financial self-sufficiency or not being claimed on the parent tax return,
- Parental unwillingness to contribute to college costs,
- 家长不愿意填写FAFSA或提供文件或签名核实.
联邦援助 — To be considered for federally funded aid a current year FAFSA must be completed, and all requested documentation must be submitted.
- 联邦佩尔助学金–Must complete the FAFSA and 提交所需的文件. Eligibility primarily based on information generated by the FAFSA. 联邦佩尔助学金颁发推荐几个靠谱的买球网站没有获得学士学位或专业学位,并且没有完成600%终身资格单元的合格本科生. 如果您注册的学分少于12学分,您的佩尔助学金将根据入学水平进行调整.
- 联邦工作研究–Provides part-time jobs for undergraduate students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay educational expenses. 已获其他资助的合资格学生,如有意申请助学金,请填写一份 工读兴趣表格.
- Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)–For undergraduate 联邦佩尔助学金 recipients with exceptional financial need. Must complete the FAFSA and 提交所需的文件. Eligible students are awarded until funds have been exhausted.
国家资助 — To be considered for state funded financial aid you must be a Virginia resident, complete the FAFSA and 提交所需的文件. Eligible students are awarded until funds have been exhausted.
- 昏迷昏迷(联邦补助金)–学生 receiving COMA must be domiciled in Virginia, show financial need and be enrolled in 至少 6 credits. Individual awards range from $1,000 – $1,800 and can be used for tuition, fees, and books.
- G3-获得G3资助的学生必须被列为弗吉尼亚州居民,收入低于或等于贫困水平的400%. 学生 must be enrolled in a minimum of six credits per semester in an approved program.
- PTAP-VCCS资助的助学金为注册至少1学分但少于8学分的学位或证书课程的学生提供学费援助(免费). 学生必须表现出需要.
- VGAP-学生必须达到2分.平均绩点5分,有特殊的经济需求,并且作为独立学生保持全日制入学. Awards vary from $1,100-$1,900 and can be used for tuition, fees and books. 续签学生必须保持2.平均绩点为0,全日制入学. 续期奖金从1200美元到1900美元不等.
基金会奖学金 -要考虑获得山帝国基金会提供的奖学金,您必须填写FAFSA, 提交所需的文件, 完成奖学金申请 xhdioa.sabzevarsms.com/scholarships.